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Hi there! My name is Tina and I'm the artist behind Yelloow Art & Design. I have loved art in various forms since a young age and if 5-year-old me could see me now, a full-time artist, she would probably faint from excitement. 


I was born and raised in Ketchikan, Alaska and I draw a lot of my inspiration from the state I live in! I love participating in art festivals and pop-ups. When I'm not creating, I enjoy spending time with my husband, our 2-year-old son, and our 3-year-old-vizsla. I love to read, spend time outdoors, and experiement with cooking.


I have a lot of goals for my business in 2023, and I hope you'll follow along as I accomplish them!



I started expressing an interest in art at a young age, teaching myself to draw with those step-by-step books, they were always at the top of my Christmas List. My art has evolved a lot over the years, but for the longest time my preferred medium was pencil and charcoal drawings. 

I started digital painting on my first iPad back in 2011 with a cheap stylus. I sat on a 36 hour ferry ride from Belllingham to Ketchikan in the cafeteria drawing an octopus and I was hooked. I draw a lot of inspiration from the beautiful state I live in - it's animals, wildflowers, plants, and scenery.  I love working with puns and enjoy dabbling in surrealism. 

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